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  • Workflows
  • Manage workflows

Preview workflows

You can preview a workflow by testing one of your code deployments. For this you need to get the Workflow deployment ID and password from Kinde.

Copy workflow testing details for code preview

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If you don’t have the right plan to preview and test your code in production, we recommend you test it in a staging environment, before you make it live.

  1. Go to Workflows.
  2. Select a workflow in the list to open it. The Summary page opens.
  3. Select Deployments in the menu. A list of all your deployments shows.
  4. Select the deployment you want to test. The Deployment details page opens.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and copy the workflow deployment ID and password that you need for testing.
  6. Copy these and apply them in your application. Use them when you test the workflow.