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  • Domain management

Use your own custom domain

By default, Kinde issues a Kinde subdomain when you first register. But for your production environment you can use your own custom domain instead of Kinde’s as your URL. For example, instead of

There are a few reasons you may wish to do this.

  • It will give your users the impression they have never left your application to authenticate, creating a seamless user experience.
  • For Single Page Applications (SPAs) it means we can securely set a first party cookie meaning authentication state persists for full-page refreshes and new tabs.
  • If you also register the domain in the configuration for any social providers you are using, the social providers auth screen will be customized with your app details.

We find most customers use account , id , or auth as their subdomain, i.e

Before you begin

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  • Make sure your application is configured to use the custom domain. This includes updating the environment variables and any relevant configuration files. For example, the KINDE_ISSUER_URL needs to be updated to the custom domain.
  • Ensure that the callback and logout redirect URLs in your Kinde settings are updated to use your custom domain. This can be done in the Kinde dashboard under Settings > Applications > [your app] > View details.

Set up in Kinde

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Note that the verification process can take up to a few hours, depending on who your domain provider is. See tips for the DNS set up below.

  1. Go to Settings > Environment > Custom domain. The Custom domain page opens.

  2. Enter your custom domain in the Domain name field. Be sure to include the subdomain, for example

  3. Select Get DNS details. The DNS details appear.

  4. Go to your domain provider website and create CNAME DNS records using the DNS details. Apologies that we can’t offer instructions for all situations, as this will be different depending on your provider. But here are the setup steps for GodaddyCloudflare, and NameCheap.

  5. Once you have created the DNS entries, go back to Kinde and select Verify. The verification process can take up to a couple of hours. When it completes, the verification status will change and an SSL certificate will be provisioned. Your domain will then be used instead of Kinde’s. You will also receive an email notification when the process is complete.

  6. If you encounter any errors, such as the verification taking too long, re-check the DNS records you created on your provider site, to ensure the details are correct.

Use your custom domain for social sign in

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When you use social connections to authenticate users, you’ll also want to show your own domain name in the social provider sign in form instead of

To achieve this, register your application with the provider and configure it in Kinde. See instructions for the relevant social sign in for details.

Set up in your app

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Remember to also update your own code to use your custom domain, rather than the Kinde issued subdomain.

Domains and auth end points

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Auth endpoints are available for both custom domains and your Kinde subdomain. You can get tokens from either end point, but they are not interchangeable. For example, if you get an ID and access token from, it cannot be used with

Currently, Kinde only supports *.localhost for non-https traffic.

Tips for the DNS set up

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When you create the DNS records for linking your own domain to Kinde, be sure to match the format you have used above.

For example, if your custom domain is, then:

Host = account

Record type = CNAME

Value =

TTL = Leave as default

Routing policy = Leave as default

Using multi-level subdomains

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If you are using a multi-level subdomain, like, how you set up DNS records will depend on how your zones are set up.

The details provided in the admin console assumes the domain entered is adding a single level to your DNS zone, but if you are adding more than one level you’ll need to create others.

So if your business is, you need to created a DNS entry for the custom domain, as well as an domain.

There are many different ways people manage multi-level domains and zones, and unfortunately we can’t cover all variations in these instructions.