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Patreon connected app

You can connect Patreon to your Kinde account so you can manage Patreon members and campaigns.

Before you can add Patreon as a connected app in Kinde, you need to set up a machine to machine application to connect to Kinde’s API.

This is Step 2 of the Kinde Connected apps setup topic.

  1. Sign up as a creator at
  2. Go to the Patreon Platform (developer area) and sign in if you are not already.
  3. Select Create new client.
  1. In the window that appears, complete all the required and other fields.
    1. In the Redirect URI field, enter the callback URL from your app in Kinde.
    2. In the Client API Version field select 2. This selection defines the included scopes, which are detailed in the Patreon docs.
  2. When you’re finished, select Create New Client. Your new client is shown in the dashboard of the Patreon Portal.
  3. Select the down arrow on the client tile. The app details and other client information is shown. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret.
  4. Next: Finish setting up the connection in Kinde. See Configure the connected app in Kinde.