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  • SDKs and APIs
  • Back end SDKs

Remix SDK

This SDK is for developers using Remix.

New to Kinde? Get started here.

Create a back end application in Kinde

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The Remix SDK works with back end applications. Create one in Kinde. See Add and manage applications.

Install the Kinde Remix SDK into your Remix project

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Terminal window
npm i @kinde-oss/kinde-remix-sdk
yarn add @kinde-oss/kinde-remix-sdk
pnpm i @kinde-oss/kinde-remix-sdk

Set callback URLs

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  1. In Kinde, go to Settings > Applications > [Your app] > View details.
  2. Add your callback URLs in the relevant fields. For example:
    • Allowed callback URLs (also known as redirect URIs) - for example http://localhost:3000/kinde-auth/callback
    • Allowed logout redirect URLs - for example http://localhost:3000
  3. Select Save.

Set up environment variables

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While you are in your Kinde backend application, copy the Client ID and Client secret, redirect URLs, etc. Add these details to the Environment variables for your application.


Terminal window

Set up authentication routes

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Create this file app/routes/kinde-auth.$index.tsx.

import { handleAuth } from "@kinde-oss/kinde-remix-sdk";
import { LoaderFunctionArgs } from "@remix-run/node";
export async function loader({ params, request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) {
return await handleAuth(request, params.index);


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Sign up and sign in

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Authenticate users by redirecting them to /kinde-auth/login and /kinde-auth/register with the Remix <Link /> component.

import { Link } from "@remix-run/react";
<Link to={"/kinde-auth/login"}>
<Link to={"/kinde-auth/register"}>

Sign into organizations

To log into specific organizations you can specify the org_code in the search params.

pathname: "/kinde-auth/login",
search: "?org_code=org_af90783xxxx",
Sign in


You can set the language you wish your users to see when they hit the login flow by including lang in the search params.

pathname: "/kinde-auth/login",
search: "?lang=fr",
Sign in

This is implemented in much the same way as signing up or signing in. Use the remix <Link /> component to redirect users to /kinde-auth/logout.

import {Link} from "@remix-run/react";
<Link to={"/kinde-auth/logout"}>Logout</Link>;

Protect routes

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In the loader, check if the user exists and then handle route protection there.

In this example we will redirect the user to sign in if there is no login data.

export const loader = async ({request}: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const {getUser} = await getKindeSession(request);
const user = await getUser();
if (user === null) {
throw redirect("/kinde-auth/login");
return json({user});

Return to a specific page after authentication

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After a user has logged following a redirect from a protected route, we usually want to send the user back to the page they were trying to access prior to logging in.

This can be achieved with the returnTo search parameter added to the login/register url.

export const loader = async ({request}: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const {getUser} = await getKindeSession(request);
const user = await getUser();
if (user === null) {
throw redirect("/kinde-auth/login?returnTo=/protected-route");
return json({user});

Kinde session data - getKindeSession()

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const {
} = await getKindeSession(request);

getClaim(claim, type): Fetches a specific claim from the user’s session based on the provided claim name and type. Returns an object with name and value properties, or null on error.

getClaimValue(claim, type): Similar to getClaim, but retrieves only the claim’s value. Returns the value or null on error.

Authentication and user information

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getToken(): Retrieves the current access token from the session. Returns the token or null when the user is not authenticated or on error.

refreshTokens(): Attempts to refresh the user’s access and refresh tokens. Returns true on success or throws an error.

isAuthenticated(): Checks if a valid session exists, indicating a logged-in user. Returns true if authenticated, otherwise false.

getUser(): Retrieves the user information associated with the current session. Returns a user object or null on error or if the user is not authenticated.

getUserProfile(): Fetches the user’s profile details from Kinde. Returns a user profile object or null on error or if the user is not authenticated.

getFlag(code, defaultValue, type): Retrieves a feature flag value by code. Optionally provides a default value and type for parsing the retrieved value. Returns the flag value or the default value on error.

getBooleanFlag(code, defaultValue): Retrieves a boolean feature flag.

getIntegerFlag(code, defaultValue): Retrieves an integer feature flag.

getStringFlag(code, defaultValue): Retrieves a string feature flag.

getPermission(permission): Checks if a specific permission is granted to the user. Returns true if granted, false otherwise.

getPermissions(): Retrieves all permissions associated with the user’s session. Returns an array of permission strings or an empty array on error.

getOrganization(): Fetches information about the user’s current organization. Returns an organization object or null on error.

getUserOrganizations(): Retrieves a list of organizations the user belongs to. Returns an array of organization objects or an empty array on error.

Get up-to-date Kinde data

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To get up-to-date Kinde data into your app you can use the refreshTokens function in an action function and then include the headers in the response.

export const action = ({request}: ActionFunctionArgs) => {
const {refreshTokens} = await getKindeSession(request);
const headers = refreshTokens();
return redirect('/profile', {headers});

Kinde Management API

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You need to enable the application’s access to the Kinde Management API. You can do this in Kinde by going to Settings > APIs > Kinde Management API and then toggling on your Next.js application under the Applications tab.

To use our management API please see @kinde/management-api-js