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  • Tokens

Token customization

If you want to include additional information in tokens, you can customize access tokens, M2M tokens, and ID tokens using preset custom claims. If you need Kinde token formats to be third-party friendly, you can also enable mapping for those services, e.g. Hasura.

Token customization is a step toward enabling custom claims, but it is not the same thing.

Select information to add to token

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  1. In Kinde, go to Settings > Applications and select Details on your application.
  2. Select Tokens, then scroll to the Token customization section.
  3. On the relevant token type card, select Customize. A selection window appears.
  1. Select the available Additional claims and Properties you want to include in the token.
  2. Select Save.

Available additional claims

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Apart from your own custom properties, you can add some out of the box additional claims to tokens.

For access tokens:

  • Organization name
  • Roles
  • Email
  • External organization ID

For ID tokens:

  • Social identity
  • Organizations

For M2M tokens:

  • Feature flags

Token integration for third parties

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Currently, we only support formatting for Hasura.

  1. In Kinde, go to Settings > Applications and select Details on your application.
  2. Select Tokens.
  3. Scroll to the Token integrations section and switch the toggle on for the platform you use.
  4. Select Save.