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  • Connected apps

GitHub connected app

Before you can add GitHub as a connected app in Kinde, you need set up a machine to machine application for connecting to the Kinde API.

This is Step 2 of the Kinde Connected apps setup topic.

  1. Sign in to your GitHub account and open the Developer settings:

    1. If this is a personal account, select your avatar and select Settings.
    2. If this is an organization account, select your avatar, select Your Organizations, then select Settings.
  2. Select Developer Settings in the left menu. The GitHub apps page opens.

  3. Select New GitHub App.

  4. Enter a name for the app and add a Homepage URL.

  5. Add the callback URL copied from Kinde’s GitHub connected app. It should be something like https://<yourdomain>.com/connected_apps/callback.

  6. In the Webhook section, make webhooks inactive if they are not being used.

  7. In the Permissions section, for each permission group (Repository, Organization, Account), open the group and select the access level for each permission - No access, Read-only, or Read and write.

    For a permission (scope) to be available in Kinde, it needs to be made accessible here. Note that not every permission visible here will also be available in Kinde. Some scopes have been excluded for security and data protection reasons.

  1. Based on the permissions you have selected, choose which events you want to subscribe to in the Subscribe to events section.
  2. When you have finished, select Create GitHub app. Details for the app are created.
  1. Copy the Client ID and Generate a new client secret to copy into your Kinde GitHub connected app.
  2. Note that you can Revoke all user tokens in the same area you set up your app (see the screen shot at step 9 above). It is better to revoke tokens in your app set up, rather than through Kinde.
  3. Finish setting up the connection in Kinde by following Step 3: Configure the connected app in Kinde.