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Slack social sign in

You can enable users to sign up and sign in using their Slack credentials. To enable this, you’ll need some technical know-how and a Slack app.

Copy the callback URL from Kinde

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  1. In Kinde, go to Settings > Authentication.
  2. If you have not yet added the Slack social connection, select Add connection in the Social authentication section.
  3. Select Slack, then Save.
  4. On the Slack tile, select Configure.
  5. In the Callback URL section:
    1. If you use Kinde’s domain as your default, copy the Kinde domain URL.
    2. If you use a custom domain (and want to use it as the callback) select the Use custom domain instead switch and copy the Custom domain URL.
  6. Use the copied Callback URL to set up the app, see below.

Create a Slack app

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  1. Go to Slack API Applications and log in to your workspace.
  2. Select Create an App. The Create an app window opens.
  3. Choose how you’d like to configure your app’s scopes and settings.
  4. If you are not sure, choose the From scratch option.
  5. Enter your App Name and Select a workspace.
  6. Click Create App. Your app is created.
  7. Scroll to the App Credentials section and copy the Client ID and Client Secret and paste them in a text file or somewhere you can easily copy them.

Configure your Slack app

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  1. In your Slack app, go to the OAuth & Permissions section.
  2. Scroll to the Redirect URLs area and add the callback URL you got from Kinde, then select Save URLs.
  3. To define what info will be shared when a user signs up or signs in with Slack, scroll to the Scopes section.
  4. In the User Token Scopes area, select Add an OAuth Scope and from the dropdown menu choose users.profile:read .
  5. Scroll up to the OAuth Tokens for Your Workspace section and select Install to Workspace. And when prompted, select Allow.
  6. Select Manage distribution on the left and go to the Share Your App with Other Workspaces section.
  7. Select Remove Hard Coded Information and in the area that appears, select the I’ve reviewed and removed any hard-coded information option.
  8. Select Activate Public Distribution. Your app is now ready to use.

Add Slack credentials to Kinde

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  1. In Kinde, go to Settings > Authentication.
  2. On the Slack tile, select Configure.
  3. Paste the Client ID and Client secret from the Slack app into the relevant fields.
  4. Select if you want to treat this connection as a trusted provider. A trusted provider is one that guarantees the email they issue is verified. We recommend leaving this off for maximum security.
  5. Select which applications will allow Slack SSO.
  6. Select Save. Users will now see Slack as an option to sign up and sign in to the selected applications.