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  • Manage users
  • Roles and permissions

Apply roles and permissions to users

Roles and permissions are defined at the business level, but set at the level of an Organization. So if you have users who belong to multiple organizations, you’ll need to set their roles and permissions separately.

You can add and remove roles and permissions for users in an organization. If you can’t find a role or permission, you may need to add it. See Define user permissions and Define user roles.

You can also assign roles and permissions to users by updating their profiles in bulk.

Apply and edit roles and permissions

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  1. Go to Users and click on the user you want to edit to view their details.
  2. To add or edit roles:
    1. Select Roles.
    2. If the user belongs to multiple organizations, select one from the dropdown menu. The list of roles for the organization is listed.
    3. Use the switches next to each role to turn them on and off for the user.
    4. Select Save.
    5. Repeat from step b for each organization they belong to.
  3. To add or edit permissions:
    1. Select Permissions.
    2. If the user belongs to multiple organizations, select one from the dropdown menu. The list of available permissions is listed.
    3. Use the switches next to each permission to turn them on and off for the user.
    4. Select Save.
    5. Repeat from step b for each organization they belong to.
  4. Repeat for each user who’s permissions you want to change.