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  • Manage users
  • Add and edit

Manually add and edit users

You can manually add and edit users in Kinde. You can also import users in bulk from CSV. See Import users in bulk.

  1. Go to Users. A list of users across all your organizations is shown.
  2. Select Add user.
  3. In the window that appears, enter the user details including name, email, and other relevant details.
  4. Select the Organizations you want to add them to. Your business’s default organization is selected by default.
  5. Select Save.

Edit user details

Link to this section
  1. Go to Users. A list of users across all your organizations is shown.
  2. Find the user whose details you want to edit.
  3. Open the user’s record.
  4. Use the side menu to navigate the pages and make the changes you want. Select Save on each page as you go.