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  • Build on Kinde
  • Environments

Prepare your production environment to go live

As you build your business on Kinde and configure connections and features, you will eventually want to set your production environment to be ‘live’.

Non-live environments are rate limited (throttled), which typically does not matter for non-production environments that are unlikely to reach rate limits.

However, you need to make your production environment live to remove the rate limits and ensure your customers can sign up and sign in to your application with ease.

Go-live checklist

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Before you go live, make sure you’ve done the following:

  • Enter a Client ID and Client secret in all your third-party authentication connections (such as social connections or enterprise connections). If you left these fields blank at setup, Kinde’s credentials are used and rate limits will apply.
  • Add a development environment to continue building your product on Kinde without affecting the live production instance.
  • Add policies and terms so that users can access and agree to these on sign up.
  • Configure custom email details so that authentication emails sent to your users come from your business, and not Kinde.
  • Connect your own domain and customize the sign in screens to provide a seamless and branded experience for users.
  • Set up multi-factor authentication to add extra layers of security for user sign in.
  • Connect Google analytics to track sign ups through Kinde.
  • Set up default roles for assigning to new users when they sign up.

Switch an environment to live

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  1. Open your production environment.
  2. Go to Settings > Environment > Details.
  3. Scroll to the Environment status section and toggle the switch to Live. End users will now be able to access your app or site via Kinde, and all rate limits are removed.