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Add team members

You can invite other team members and give them access to your business on Kinde.

Team member roles

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We’ve kept team roles simple. There’s really only two for now:

Owner - The person who creates the business in Kinde is automatically the Owner. They have the highest access level in the Kinde business. Only an owner can approve data export from Kinde.

Admin - All other team members in Kinde are created as Admins. They have access to all Kinde features, except data export approval.

Add a new team member

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Owners and Admins can add other Admins.

Go to Settings > Business > Team. The Team page shows a list of all your team members.

  1. Select Add team member.
  2. In the window that appears, enter the team member’s details.
  3. Select Save. Your team member will receive an email with an invitation to join your business on Kinde. They can set up an account or sign in to an existing account.

Revoke an invitation

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  1. Go to Settings > Business > Team. The Team page shows a list of all your invited members.
  2. Find the team member in the Invited list, select the three dots, then select Revoke invitation.

Delete team member

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Owners and Admins can delete other Admins. Only Kinde can delete Owners, and only on request.

  1. Go to Settings > Business > Team. The Team page shows a list of all your team members.
  2. Find the team member in the Members list, select the three dots, then select Delete team member.