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  • Auth and access
  • Social connections

Add and manage social connections

Social connections enable you to sign up and sign in users with credentials from their existing social accounts, such as Google or GitHub.

An advantage of social sign in is that users don’t have to create new credentials to use your app or service, making it more convenient and secure for them.

If they have a gravatar picture associated with their social account, it will flow through to Kinde.

Set up a social connection

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You need to set up the connection with Kinde for each social provider you want to use.

When an email is not provided

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Some social providers don’t require an email for sign up, e.g. X. When a user signs up or in with one of these providers, Kinde will ask for an email (just once). This is so we can verify the user’s identity and be sure it’s a genuine sign up.

We treat social identities different to email identities in Kinde, and record social providers as a social identity in their user profile. For more information, see User identity and verification.

Trusting emails from social providers

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There’s no guarantee that the email kept on file with a social provider remains current. Because of this, Kinde does not automatically treat social provider emails as ‘trusted’, and therefore we do not automatically sync email profiles. When you add a social connection, you can choose whether to ‘trust’ provider emails for each connection type. For more information, see User identity and verification.

Delete a social connection

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  1. In Kinde, go to Settings > Environment > Authentication.
  2. Scroll down to the Social connections section and select the three dots on the tile for the connection, then select Delete connection.
  3. In the confirmation window, select Delete connection.

Manage social connections via API

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You can add, update, and delete social connections via the Kinde management API using predefined endpoints.