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  • Properties
  • Work with properties

Add and manage properties

For properties to be available in a user or organization record, they first need to exist in your business. This topic describes how to create and edit properties.

You can also create and manage properties through the Kinde Management API.

Add a property

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You can add properties directly in Kinde, or via API.

  1. In Kinde, go to Settings > Data management > Properties.
  2. Select Add Property.
Screen shot of top of Property window
  1. Enter a Name for the property.
  2. (Optional) Add a short description. Note that this description will appear when someone goes to edit the value of a property in a User or Organization record.
  3. Assign a Key to the property. This needs to be unique so that you can identify it in your code. The key cannot be changed later. Note that any Kinde included properties start with kp-.
  4. Select whether the property needs to remain Private. If you switch this off, the property can be selected to be included in tokens. See Add and manage properties in tokens.

Screen shot of botton half of property window

  1. Select if the property is for Users or Organizations.
  2. Select a Category. Use an existing one or create your own, see Create property categories.
  3. Select the Property type. You can choose from Boolean, single line text, or multi line text. For more information, see below.
  4. Select Save.

How to choose a property type

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  • Boolean: For when you want to indicate a true or false status, e.g. paid_membership="true"
  • Single line text: For including a short piece of info in a property, e.g. membership_type="bronze"
  • Multi line text: For including more substantial information, e.g. an address or business description.

Edit a property

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You can change the name and some property settings, but not all attributes can be edited. For example, you cannot change the property key.

  1. In Kinde, go to Settings > Data management > Properties.
  2. Search or scroll for the property you want and select the three dots next to the property.
  3. Choose Edit property.
  4. Make the changes you want and select Save.