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Integrate Kinde auth into .NET-based APIs

This article walks through configuring an ASP.NET application to accept and validate an access token from Kinde.

Where users are logged into a front end or mobile application, the access token can be passed in a bearer authorization header to secure requests to back end APIs.

A complete sample project can be found in the .NET starter kit.

Configure your project

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  1. Install the packages that handle tokens.

    Terminal window
    dotnet add package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer
    dotnet add package Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect
  2. Configure application services (typically Program.cs) to use the package.

    .AddJwtBearer(options =>
    // These two lines map the Kinde user ID to Identity.Name (optional).
    options.MapInboundClaims = false;
    options.TokenValidationParameters.NameClaimType = "sub";
  3. Configure appsettings.json for your Kinde application. Replace <your-domain> with your Kinde domain and <your-audience> with the audience associated with your API in Kinde.

    "Authentication": {
    "Schemes": {
    "Bearer": {
    "Authority": "https://<your-domain>",
    "ValidAudiences": [

.NET authentication requires an audience. If you don’t already have an audience defined, you will need to do this by registering your API.

Manage authorization with policies

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Access tokens contain information (claims) about what a user is authorized to do when they sign in. You can create policies to manage authorization.

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Create a policy that allows only users with certain permission claims, e.g. read:weather:

.AddAuthorization(options =>
policy => policy.RequireAssertion(
context => context.User.Claims.Any(c => c.Type == "permissions" && c.Value == "read:weather")

Set up permissions in Kinde.

Via role claims

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  1. Set up Roles in Kinde.
  2. Add roles to the access token via custom claims, see the token customization procedure.
  3. Create a policy for a particular role, for example:
.AddAuthorization(options =>
policy => policy.RequireAssertion(
context => context.User.Claims.Any(c => c.Type == "roles" && c.Value == "admin")

Note roles defined in Kinde do not map to roles as defined in ASP.NET, so the related functionality, such as RequireRole(), cannot be used.

Secure controller-based APIs

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To protect routes, add the [Authorize] attribute (from the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization package) to any controllers or actions required.

For example, allow access only to users that satisfy the policy defined in the previous section:

[Authorize(Policy = "ReadWeatherPermission")]
public IEnumerable<WeatherForecast> Get()

See the ASP.NET Core documentation for more details on authorization.

Secure minimal APIs

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To protect routes for minimal APIs, the RequireAuthorization() method can be called, and optionally pass in a policy, for example:

app.MapGet("/protected", () => "Hello")
app.MapGet("/requires_specific_permission", () => "G'day")

See the ASP.NET Core documentation for more details about securing minimal APIs.

Swagger UI provides an easy way to test APIs while in development.

For secured APIs, an access token is sent from your front end application with each request. Swagger UI can be configured to initiate auth and populate the token for you.

  1. Configure Swagger with the details of Kinde’s OpenID Connect configuration:

    builder.Services.AddSwaggerGen(options =>
    var authority = builder.Configuration["Authentication:Schemes:Bearer:Authority"];
    new OpenApiSecurityScheme
    Type = SecuritySchemeType.OpenIdConnect,
    OpenIdConnectUrl = new Uri(authority + "/.well-known/openid-configuration")
    new OpenApiSecurityRequirement
    new OpenApiSecurityScheme
    Reference = new OpenApiReference
    { Type = ReferenceType.SecurityScheme, Id = "oidc" },
    new string[] { }
  2. Configure Swagger UI to pre-populate the relevant parameters:

    app.UseSwaggerUI(c =>
    c.OAuthAdditionalQueryStringParams(new Dictionary<string, string>
    { { "audience", builder.Configuration["Authentication:Schemes:Bearer:ValidAudiences:0"] ?? "" } });
  3. Swap <frontend-app-client-id> with your front end application’s client ID shown in Kinde.

  4. Add the callback URL to your front end application’s allowed callbacks so that the Swagger UI initiates auth and returns to Swagger UI after auth.

    For local development, the callback will look like the following, though the port may differ:

  5. Once this is set up, use the Authorize button to initiate auth. On return, API requests should be automatically populated with the access token. Note for front end applications, implicit flow is not supported, only PKCE is supported.


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When mismatched versions of dependent libraries are resolved, requests to the API may fail with HTTP 401 and a token validation error. It will look something like this:

Bearer error="invalid_token",error_description="The signature key was not found"

For example, if version 7.4.0 or later of System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt is installed with a version of Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer that is dependent on an earlier version of Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect.

To fix, you would update the version of Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect to match your version of System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt. E.g. ensure they are both 7.4.0.