Manage users across organizations
Manage users
This is an advanced feature that is only available on the Kinde Scale plan. Charges also apply for each organization that uses advanced org features.
You can set different authentication methods for each organization you manage in Kinde. You might want to do this if your customers are businesses that require unique auth setups.
Most authentication methods need to be set up at the environment level, including social sign in and core mthods such as passwordless, phone auth, etc. These are known as ‘Shared connections’. You might also have organization-level enterprise connections, which are unique to an organization.
The way each of these connection types is managed, is very similar.
This procedure covers adding shared connections, but you can also add enterprise connections directly to an organization.
When you set authentication for an organization, it completely overrides the auth pattern set at the environment level. Nothing is inherited, except which methods are available to select for the organization.
If you remove an auth method for an organization, users can use any remaining methods to authenticate. If you remove all authentication methods, the organization will revert back to using the default auth set up from the environment level.
Removing an authentication method could cause breaking changes for users of the connection. Make sure users have an alternative method of sign in.
For shared connections, the connection can be easily added back. For org-level enterprise connection, the connection can be re-enabled.