Configure token and session expiry
Build on Kinde
Refresh tokens are used to request new access tokens.
Access tokens are issued when a user makes an authentication request or a call is made to an API. An access token gives permission to enter and interact with a system.
Access tokens usually have an intentionally short lifetime. However, rather than having a user need to re-authenticate frequently, a refresh token can be used to request a new access token. Refresh tokens operate without user intervention, extending session access without the same security risk as requesting a new access token.
Refresh tokens can be used a finite amount of times before re-authentication is required.
To get a refresh token, you need to include the offline
scope when you initiate an authentication request through the https://<your_subdomain>
endpoint. You also need to initiate Offline Access in your API.
Details on how to do this is provided in our SDKs, but here’s how to do it yourself.
Below is an example using the Authorization Code grant, with the offline
scope being one of the scopes passed to the authentication request.
Refresh tokens are stored in sessions. When a session needs to be refreshed (for example, a pre-defined time has passed), the app uses the refresh token on the backend to obtain a new access token, using the https://<your_subdomain>
endpoint with grantType=refresh_token
Example of a refresh token response
Kinde always rotates refresh tokens. When you use an existing refresh token to request a new access token, a new refresh token is also generated and provided with your new access token. The old refresh token becomes immediately invalid.
Kinde allows a small overlap period when both a previous and new refresh token is valid. This is to account for retries and bad network connections. You can set the lifetime of a refresh token in Kinde. It needs to be longer than the life of an access token.
You should store the refresh token you get with your initial /token
request. Otherwise, your user will need to go through the sign in process again, to get a new access token.
If you’re using a front-end SDK like JavaScript or React, the getToken
function stores an in-memory cache of the access token, which it returns by default. If the token is about to expire it will use a refresh token to get a new access token from Kinde silently in the background so additional network requests to Kinde are only made when absolutely necessary.
Token security can be approached in a number of ways. We recommend at least covering the basics of: