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Contribution guide

We love that you want to help us with our docs in GitHub, so here’s our guidelines to help make this easier for you.

The first thing to know is that Kinde has editorial discretion over all docs and we will review and edit community contributions to keep content in line with our styles and standards.

Don’t let this stop you from raising issues or making suggestions - we need your expertise. We just don’t expect writing perfection, so we’ve got you covered.

What to contribute

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Our docs describe what Kinde does, how our platform works, the core functions, configurations, features, settings, etc. We’re not trying to cover every use case, just the most common.

Please raise an issue or suggestion if:

  • Something is incorrect and needs to be fixed
  • Something is under-explained and needs improvement
  • You find a gap in the docs or missing information

What we are not looking for:

  • Product suggestions or feature requests - please log these here
  • Workarounds or solutions from third-parties
  • Non-specific feedback such as ‘bad doc, please improve’.

Ways to contribute

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Raise an issue

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Let us know if a document is wrong or needs fixing. Be as specific as you can so we can address it quickly. An example is where a code snippet is incorrect, or a procedure is no longer working. For issues, provide:

  • Clear descriptive titles
  • Links to relevant pages/files
  • Explanations as to why (or for whom) this is a problem
  • Optional: proposed solutions

Suggest a single page edit

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Suggest an improvement or change to a document by selecting Edit this page in your browser on the document. This will take you to GitHub where you can edit the content of the file and then create a pull request.

As part of creating the pull request, make sure you explain why the changes are needed, who they help, and how.

Raise a PR for bigger contributions

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We prefer to write the big stuff ourselves, so we encourage people to raise issues about gaps in our content and provide suggestions that way.

However, if you want to create a new topic or edit multiple files, go to GitHub to create a branch or fork and raise a PR. There’s no guarantee your pages will be approved and merged, but we will review and get in touch to discuss and definitely consider new content for inclusion.

Contributing to SDK documentation

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Our SDK docs are always evolving and we welcome suggestions and contributions to make them better. SDK docs are stored with our other docs (see the file structure below). The SDKs themselves are stored in separate Kinde repos.

General document structure

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Most Kinde docs follow a similar structure:

  • What is the topic about and who is it for (1-2 sentences)
  • Conceptual explanations with appropriate headings
  • Before you begin section for prerequisites
  • Procedure with steps - How to do x.
  • Supplementary or adjacent information
  • Related topics

Our documents are used by developers of varying experience, people from different language backgrounds, and users who are in a hurry to get the answer they need. Our guiding principle is to always use clear, simple language.

Our docs are not translated currently, but they will be soon. Plain English makes translation easier.

Writing principles

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  • Use direct, clear sentences and short paragraphs
  • Use simple, plain vocabulary and phrases
  • Minimize jargon, idioms, and internet shorthand
  • Don’t make assumptions about what readers already know
  • Explain abbreviations and acronyms in full

Content principles

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  • Use short, descriptive headings that include keywords, so people can scan to find what they need. E.g. ‘Update redirect URLs’, instead of ‘Edit the .env file’.
  • Provide clear, step-by-step instructions that any level of user could follow easily.
  • Include conceptual explanations and use cases for complex topics.
  • Create tidy code snippets or examples that will help users get it right.

Tone and voice

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  • Take a friendly but casual tone, like you are explaining things to a peer or colleague.
  • Don’t waffle on too much with preamble, get to the point.
  • Speak with clarity and confidence. You know what you’re talking about.

How to contribute to the Kinde docs

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Edit an existing article

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  1. Navigate to the doc in your browser and select Edit page at the bottom. GitHub opens.
  2. Make the required changes and then Commit.
  3. Provide clear and direct notes about your changes.
  4. Submit a PR. See below.

Create a new document

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  1. Navigate to the folder of the section and subsection the topic will go.
  2. Select New file.
  3. Type the name of the file in the blank field and add .mdx.
  4. Add the required frontmatter of the topic (title and page_id). See the Docs syntax topic below.
  5. Add content and commit.

Explain the reason for the topic as part of the PR.

File structure in GitHub

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Our documentation articles are written in mdx and are structured as follows:

  • Directorysrc
    • Directorycontent
      • Directorydocs
        • Directorytopic group
          • Directorysubtopic group
            • article-1.mdx
            • article-2.mdx

When you’re ready to raise a PR, use the following naming conventions: feat:[description] for new topics or substantial changes fix:[description] for corrections and minor changes This helps us recognize and prioritize requests.

This section describes some of our styles, elements, and conventions for docs content.

The header/metadata part of the content is critical to the article appearing correctly in docs.

title (required)

Link to this section

type: string

You must provide a title for every page. This will be displayed at the top of the page, in browser tabs, and in page metadata.

title: Kinde SDKs

page_id (required)

Link to this section

type: uuid

This is the internal unique id for the article. This will be used when referencing other articles within the relatedArticles frontmatter. You can use our online UUID generator tool to use as the page_id.

title: Kinde SDKs
page_id: 684fc526-a338-4a67-9af6-742a39b66aff

order (optional)

Link to this section

type: number

Control the order of this article when sorting an autogenerated group of links under a specific topic or subtopic. Lower numbers are displayed higher up in the link group.

title: Kinde SDKs
page_id: 684fc526-a338-4a67-9af6-742a39b66aff
order: 1

The code snippets in our docs are powered by astro-expressive-code. Here are some examples in how you can use them:

Regular syntax highlighting

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For code highlighting, you will need a language identifier. (See full list of supported languages on GitHub)

e.g. js for JavaScript:

console.log("This code is syntax highlighted!");

Will render:

console.log("This code is syntax highlighted!");

If you use a language identifier that is typically used for terminal sessions or shell scripts, a terminal frame will be added to the rendered output.


Will render:

Terminal window

If you add a value for title, then you get a title bar:

```powershell title="PowerShell terminal example"
Write-Output "This one has a title!"


PowerShell terminal example
Write-Output "This one has a title!"

If the language identifier is not a terminal session or shell script one, providing the title attribute will render the frame with the file name, for example.

```tsx title="src/app/page.tsx"
import { RegisterLink, LoginLink } from "@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs/components";


import {RegisterLink, LoginLink} from "@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs/components";

This can also been achieved by adding a comment with the file name at the top of your file.

// src/app/page.tsx
import { RegisterLink, LoginLink } from "@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs/components"


import {RegisterLink, LoginLink} from "@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs/components";

Use images sparingly, to support complex or detailed procedures. For accessibility, do not use images instead of text. Always include alt-text.

If you need an image or screen shot in your article, you’ll have to:

  • Create a folder within src/assets/images with the same slug as your article (the article’s .mdx file name)
  • The image must be at least 1440px wide
  • Include alt text in the markdown.

Images are optimized before publishing, and have styles and zoom functionality added.

For example, this article lives under src/docs/contribute/index.mdx - In this case, we would create a contribute folder under src/assets/images and save the image there.

  • Directorysrc
    • Directoryassets
      • Directoryimages
        • Directorycontribute
          • penguin.jpg

To add an image to an article, just simply use the markdown syntax like so:

![An image of a penguin](@assets/images/contribute/penguin.jpg)

The image will be rendered with some padding and will have the click to zoom functionality added to it.

An image of a penguin


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This component combines multiple useful commands from different package managers in the node ecosystem. It generates commands for npm, pnpm and yarn.

pkg (required)

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string — The package to be installed. For example: @kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs

type (optional)

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add create exec run remove

default: add

<PackageManagers pkg="@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs" />
Terminal window
npm i @kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs

This component is useful for displaying secondary information alongside a page’s main content.

type (optional)

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info warning danger upgrade

default: info

title (optional)

Link to this section


default: null

Example with title

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<Aside type="warning" title="Attention">
This is the message

Example without a title and a type (defaults to the info variant)

Link to this section
This is the message

Use the <FileTree> component to display the structure of a directory with file icons and collapsible sub-directories.

- .env.local
- src
- app
- page.tsx
  • Directorysrc
    • Directoryapp
      • layout.tsx
      • page.tsx
      • Directorydashboard
        • page.tsx
  • next.config.ts
  • .env.local

This will embed a YouTube video using lite-youtube behind the scenes.

videoId (required)

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The YouTube video id.


videoTitle (optional)

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The video title.


default: "Video"

<YoutubeVideo videoId="ybmHcAVBnec" />