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Manage custom code deployments

Each time your code is synced to Kinde, a new deployment is created. A deployment is a unique point-in-time process that checks the code, which can then be made live.

Turn off the auto go live function

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To fully manage deployments and control which ones go live, switch off the auto-go-live function. It’s okay to leave this on for non-production environments, but you don’t want this on for production.

In Settings > Git repo, switch off the Set synced code live immediately option**.**

Every time you change your code in GitHub, you must sync those changes back to Kinde so you can make them live.

  1. Go to Design > Custom code.
  2. Select Sync code. A new deployment is generated on click. If the deployment is successful, you will be able to make it live.

Make a deployment live

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  1. Go to Design > Custom code. The Summary page shows which deployment is live and which is ready to go.
  2. If you want, select Sync code to get the latest deployment.
  3. Select Deployments in the menu. A list of current and previous deployments is shown.
  4. Find the deployment you want to make live and select Make live in the three dots menu.

Roll back a deployment

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To roll back a deployment, you just need to make a previous deployment live.

  1. Go to Design > Custom code. The Summary page shows which deployment is live and which is ready to go.
  2. Select Deployments in the menu. A list of current and previous deployments is shown.
  3. Find the previous deployment you want to roll back to and select Make live in the three dots menu. This will override the current live deployment.