Use your own custom domain
Build on Kinde
It is likely that your logos and favicons are hosted on Kinde, but you may also manage externally hosted assets. Here’s how assets are referenced in your custom code.
The Kinde infrastructure package ships with helper methods for accessing these:
import { getFallbackFaviconUrl, getSVGFaviconUrl,} from "@kinde/infrastructure";
<link rel="icon" href={getFallbackFaviconUrl()} sizes="48x48"><link rel="icon" href={getSVGFaviconUrl()} type="image/svg+xml" />
The Kinde infrastructure package ships with helper methods for accessing these:
import { getLogoUrl, getDarkModeLogoUrl,} from "@kinde/infrastructure";
// Always use light logo<img src={getLogoUrl()} alt={event.context.widget.content.logoAlt}/>
// Always use dark logo<img src={getDarkModeLogoUrl()} alt={event.context.widget.content.logoAlt}/>
// User preference<picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset={getDarkModeLogoUrl()} > <img src={getLogoUrl()} alt={event.context.widget.content.logoAlt} /></picture>
Both functions accept the org code as an argument to return the relevant organization logo url:
// Org logos// Pass org code inconst {orgCode} = event.request.authUrlParams<img src={getLogoUrl(orgCode)} alt={event.context.widget.content.logoAlt}/>
We know you will want to use assets like fonts and images stored outside of Kinde. Our strict CSP which we have for security, can make calling external sources somewhat trickier, but with good reason.
Your root domain as well as any subdomains of that domain are added to our CSP by default so to use your own assets and comply with Kinde’s CSP, the assets should be stored on servers that share the same domain as your custom domain.
For example, if you are using the custom domain
you could host fonts/images/css at
and they would be accessible in your code.