Customize designs with code
Kinde pages and the widget are styled using standard CSS custom properties, collectively managed in ‘settings’. Settings provide a simple way for you to customize the end-user experience, as you can override the CSS custom properties using your own CSS code.
For example, you can:
(or use --kinde-shared-color-invalid
for a more global approach).Kinde settings are standard CSS custom properties, making them easy to integrate into your custom CSS. You can also map your own design tokens or custom properties to Kinde settings for added consistency.
To define settings in your CSS, scope them to the :root
:root { --kinde-base-background-color: hsl(0 100% 50% / 50%); --kinde-base-color: hsl(50 80% 40%); --kinde-base-font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif; --kinde-base-font-weight: 700; --kinde-button-primary-background-color: var(--kinde-base-color); --kinde-button-primary-color: hsl(0, 0%, 100%); --kinde-alert-banner-error-background-color: hsl(0, 100%, 27%); --kinde-alert-banner-error-color: hsl(0, 0%, 100%);}
To apply custom styles, you need to load your custom CSS after the Kinde required CSS in the HTML <head>
. This ensures your styles will apply on top of the default styles.
Kinde’s required CSS provides the default styles for the widget and defines all Kinde settings. Without it, the widget will not function correctly.
You can include it using the getKindeRequiredCSS()
helper method from the @kinde/infrastructure
import {getKindeRequiredCSS} from "@kinde/infrastructure";
Once imported, call this function inside the HTML <head>
of your page to load the necessary styles.
For example, to load your custom CSS after the Kinde required CSS using an external stylesheet:
<html> <head> {getKindeRequiredCSS()} <link rel="stylesheet" href="/custom_styles.css" /> </head></html>
Most styles (individual CSS properties) have a corresponding setting that can be defined or overridden in your custom CSS. For a full list of available settings, see Types of settings.
For example, here’s the CSS for the Alert banner component:
.kinde-alert-banner { background-color: var(--kinde-alert-banner-error-background-color); border: var(--kinde-alert-banner-border-width, 0.0625rem) var( --kinde-alert-banner-border-style, solid ) var(--kinde-alert-banner-error-border-color); border-radius: var(--kinde-alert-banner-border-radius, 0.5rem); color: var(--kinde-alert-banner-error-color); display: var(--kinde-alert-banner-display, flex); gap: var(--kinde-alert-banner-gap, 1rem); padding: var(--kinde-alert-banner-padding, 1.5rem);}
Not all styles can be overridden using settings. Some styles are intentionally hardcoded in Kinde to ensure functionality, usability, and accessibility.
There are two main categories of non-customizable styles:
Functional styles - Styles that are necessary for proper functionality and accessibility. These prevent the UI from breaking and ensure a smooth user experience. Examples include:
, such as disabling an element with pointer-events: none;
, such as cursor: not-allowed;
for disabled elements.display
to correctly show or hide elements.Expected styles – Styles that are widely expected and do not typically require customization. Examples include:
text-align: center;
because the modifier specifically exists for centering the content. Allowing other alignments like “left” or “right” would contradict its purpose.<a>
) using text-decoration-line: none;
. This follows best practices, as underlined text generally indicates a standard hyperlink, not a button.We explicitly define settings in the following cases:
For settings that aren’t explicitly defined, styles are applied using CSS custom property fallback values.
For example, the Button component’s font size appears as:
font-size: var(--kinde-button-font-size, 1rem);
This means:
is undefined, the fallback value (1rem
) will be used.--kinde-button-font-size
, your value will override the fallback.Settings that use fallback values won’t appear in the document root (:root
) when inspecting in DevTools. If a setting isn’t visible under :root
, inspect the specific element instead.
You can control page elements and content (including elements of the widget) directly within Kinde, in the Kinde designer. See Design brand experience defaults for more details. Styles set this way act as fallbacks where something is undefined in your code.
You can take a hybrid approach and define styles in Kinde as well as in code-defined settings. In fact, we recommend setting defaults via the Kinde designer, so that fallbacks exist for core elements. For example, in the widget’s CSS, the page background color is defined like this:
background-color: var(--kinde-base-background-color, var(--kinde-designer-base-background-color));
This means:
is not defined by default. Instead, Kinde uses the fallback: --kinde-designer-base-background-color
, which comes from the Kinde designer.--kinde-base-background-color
in your custom CSS.Do not assign values to Kinde designer settings (--kinde-designer-[...]
) in your custom CSS. These act as non-consumable fallbacks. Instead, control the style either in Kinde Designer or by using the associated default setting.
Settings are categorized into distinct types based on their purpose and scope. Here’s an overview of the available types.
These settings are shared across the widget CSS to minimize redundancy. They serve as global fallbacks, applied only when a locally scoped setting is not defined.
Setting | Description | Applies to |
--kinde-shared-color-disabled-background / --kinde-shared-color-disabled-background-dark | Sets the background color for disabled elements | Button component, Control checkable component, Control select text component |
--kinde-shared-color-disabled-text / --kinde-shared-color-disabled-text | Sets the text color for disabled elements | Button component, Text button component |
--kinde-shared-color-invalid / --kinde-shared-color-invalid-dark | Sets the color for invalid elements. Applied to borders or text for elements failing form validation (via :user-invalid or [aria-invalid='true'] ). | Composite field component, Control associated text component, Control checkable component, Control select text component |
--kinde-shared-color-text-caption / --kinde-shared-color-text-caption-dark | Sets the text color for captioned elements, using a lighter shade of body copy | Choice separator component, Control associated text component |
--kinde-shared-color-text-label / --kinde-shared-color-text-label-dark | Sets the text color for labeled text elements (e.g., <label> or <dt> ), using a darker shade of body copy | Control label component, Key value pair component |
--kinde-shared-font-small-size / --kinde-shared-font-small-letter-spacing / --kinde-shared-font-small-line-height / --kinde-shared-font-small-weight | Sets the font styles for text smaller than the body copy | Base small element, Disclaimer component, Control associated text component |
These settings define foundational styles, such as fonts and colors, that apply globally to the page. They are typically scoped to the body
element and a few other key global elements.
Setting | Description | Default | Applies to |
--kinde-base-scroll-behavior | Sets the page’s scroll behavior using the CSS scroll-behavior property. | “smooth” | html element |
--kinde-base-block-size | Sets the page’s width or height using the CSS block-size property, depending on the page’s writing mode. | 100% | html and body elements |
--kinde-base-accent-color / --kinde-base-accent-color-dark | Sets the accent color for specific form controls using the CSS accent-color property. Note: Matches the “checked” background color of the Control checkable component | Light: #0f0f0f | |
Dark: #0054f0 | body element | ||
--kinde-base-background-color / --kinde-base-background-color-dark | Sets the page’s background color using the CSS background-color property. Note: Falls back to Kinde’s admin brand settings if not defined. | Light: #ffffff | |
Dark: #0f0f0f | body element | ||
--kinde-base-color / --kinde-base-color-dark | Sets the page’s text color using the CSS color property | Light: #2b2b2b | |
Dark: #dbdbdb | body element | ||
--kinde-base-font-family | Sets the page’s font family using the CSS font-family property | “Inter, ‘CustomSystemFontStack’” | body element |
--kinde-base-font-kerning | Sets the page’s font kerning using the CSS font-kerning property | “normal” | body element |
--kinde-base-font-size | Sets the page’s font size using the CSS font-size property. Note: All other rem-based settings are derived from this value. | 1rem | body element |
--kinde-base-moz-osx-font-smoothing | Sets the page’s font smooth using the non-standard Firefox CSS -moz-osx-font-smoothing property | “grayscale” | body element |
--kinde-base-webkit-font-smoothing | Sets the page’s font smooth using the non-standard WebKit CSS -webkit-font-smoothing property | “antialiased” | body element |
--kinde-base-font-synthesis | Sets the page’s font synthesis using the CSS font-synthesis property | “none” | body element |
--kinde-base-font-variant-ligatures | Sets the page’s font ligatures and contextual forms using the CSS font-variant-ligatures property | “common-ligatures contextual” | body element |
--kinde-base-font-variant-numeric | Sets the page’s font glyphs for numbers, fractions, and ordinal markers using the CSS font-variant-numeric property | “oldstyle-nums proportional-nums” | body element |
--kinde-base-font-weight | Sets the page’s font weight using the CSS font-weight property | 400 | body element |
--kinde-base-letter-spacing | Sets the page’s letter spacing using the CSS letter-spacing property | -.005em | body element |
--kinde-base-line-height | Sets the page’s line height using the CSS line-height property | 1.5 | body element |
--kinde-base-overflow-wrap | Sets the page’s text overflow using the CSS overflow-wrap property | “break-word” | body element |
--kinde-base-tab-size | Sets the page’s tab character width using the CSS tab-size property | 4 | body element |
--kinde-base-focus-border-radius | Sets the border radius of the page’s focus indicator using the CSS border-radius property. Note: If the focused element has a custom radius, the focus indicator will match it. | .125rem | :focus-visible |
--kinde-base-focus-outline-width | Sets the outline width of the page’s focus indicator using the CSS outline-width property | .125rem | :focus-visible |
--kinde-base-focus-outline-style | Sets the outline style of the page’s focus indicator using the CSS outline-style property | “solid” | :focus-visible |
--kinde-base-focus-outline-color | Sets the outline color of the page’s focus indicator using the CSS outline-color property | Light: #0054f0 | |
Dark: #94b9ff | :focus-visible | ||
--kinde-base-focus-outline-offset | Sets the outline offset of the page’s focus indicator using the CSS outline-offset property | .125rem | :focus-visible |
--kinde-base-focus-transition | Sets the transition of the page’s focus indicator using the CSS transition property. | “outline-offset 150ms cubic-bezier(.25, 0, .1, 1)” | :focus-visible |
--kinde-base-font-family-mono | Sets the font family for code-related elements using the CSS font-family property | “ui-monospace, SFMono-Regular, ‘SF Mono’, Consolas, ‘Liberation Mono’, Menlo, monospace” | code , kbd , samp , and pre elements |
--kinde-base-font-kerning-mono | Sets the font kerning for code-related elements using the CSS font-kerning property | “none” | code , kbd , samp , and pre elements |
--kinde-base-font-size-mono | Sets the font size for code-related elements using the CSS font-size property | --kinde-base-font-size | code , kbd , samp , and pre elements |
--kinde-base-font-variant-ligatures-mono | Sets the font ligatures and contextual forms for code-related elements using the CSS font-variant-ligatures property | “contextual” | code , kbd , samp , and pre elements |
--kinde-base-font-variant-numeric-mono | Sets the font glyphs for numbers, fractions, and ordinal markers for code-related elements using the CSS font-variant-numeric property | “lining-nums tabular-nums slashed-zero” | code , kbd , samp , and pre elements |
--kinde-base-font-weight-mono | Sets the font weight for code-related elements using the CSS font-weight property | 500 | code , kbd , samp , and pre elements |
--kinde-base-letter-spacing-mono | Sets the letter spacing for code-related elements using the CSS letter-spacing property | “normal” | code , kbd , samp , and pre elements |
--kinde-base-line-height-mono | Sets the line height for code-related elements using the CSS line-height property | 1.5 | code , kbd , samp , and pre elements |
--kinde-base-pre-overflow-x | Sets the pre element’s horizontal overflow using the CSS overflow-x property | “auto” | pre element |
--kinde-base-strong-font-weight | Sets the font weight for emphasized text elements using the CSS font-weight property | 500 | b and strong elements |
These settings are specific to self-contained UI patterns within the widget, such as buttons, cards, and form controls. Components are the default unit of styling, so they do not require an explicit component
type indicator.
Component settings are numerous, as they represent the primary method for styling the widget. To explore them, use DevTools. See Inspect using DevTools for instructions.
These settings are specific to layouts within the widget. Unlike components, which define specific UI patterns, layouts determine the arrangement of components—such as spacing between them—to ensure a consistent structure across the widget.
Like component settings, layout settings are numerous. To explore them, use DevTools. See Inspect using DevTools for instructions.
Settings follow a consistent naming structure to make them easy to identify and understand.
Most settings are structured as follows.
This sets the background color of the page using the CSS background-color
--kinde-base-background-color | | | | | └── Property (background-color) | └── Type (base) └── Prefix (kinde)
Here’s a more complex setting. This sets the background color in dark mode for the page using the CSS background-color
--kinde-base-background-color-dark | | | | | | | └── Dark mode suffix | | └── Property (background-color) | └── Type (base) └── Prefix (kinde)
This sets the border width for the “primary” variant of the Button component using the CSS border-width
--kinde-button-primary-border-width | | | | | | | └── Property (border-width) | | └── Variant (primary) | └── Type (component) └── Prefix (kinde)
This sets the text-decoration-line style (underline, overline, etc.) of the Text link component when hovered using the CSS text-decoration-line
--kinde-text-link-text-decoration-line-is-inline-hover | | | | | | | | | └── State (hover) | | | └── Modifier (is-inline) | | └── Property (text-decoration-line) | └── Type (component) └── Prefix (kinde)
All settings start with the --kinde
prefix to ensure uniqueness and prevent conflicts with custom-defined CSS.
The second part indicates the type of setting.
Each setting includes a combination of [variant/element], property, modifier, and state, depending on the level of specificity required. Every setting always includes a property.
Variant - Certain components, such as the Button component, have predefined variants. Variants define distinct styles or versions of a component. For example, the background colors for the Button component’s variants are defined as: - Primary variant: --kinde-button-primary-background-color
- Secondary variant: --kinde-button-secondary-background-color
- Uncontained variant: --kinde-button-uncontained-background-color
Element - For components with child elements, element-specific identifiers are used to distinguish settings that apply to the component’s root element versus its child elements. For example, here are some settings for the Key value pair component’s “key” element (the child <dt>
element): - --kinde-key-value-pair-key-color
- --kinde-key-value-pair-key-font-weight
Some identifiers can be more generic. For example, list structures (e.g., <li>
elements) use the generic “item” identifier:
Another common generic identifier is “child”, representing unnamed child elements typically targeted with the universal selector (*
) CSS selector:
“Variant” and “Element” can coexist when a component has settings for a child element that are scoped to a specific variant. The variant identifier always comes before the element identifier.
For example, the setting that controls the size of the Composite field component’s nested select element when in the “phone-number” variant is defined as: --kinde-composite-field-phone-number-control-select-inline-size
Each setting corresponds to a standard CSS property. For example, settings related to text color, such as --kinde-base-color
, match the associated color
property. This makes the settings intuitive and easy to understand.
An exception to this applies to settings related to element spacing. Instead of using specific CSS properties (like margin-block-end
), a generic “spacing” term is used. This helps identify the common concept of spacing across multiple properties (e.g., margin
, gap
Spacing refers to the whitespace external to an element, while internal spacing is defined with the padding
For example:
defines spacing after the Control label component.More specific variants are:
).Sometimes, styles include modifiers, which are small adjustments to the default style. For example, the Button component includes the “is-content-width” modifier: --kinde-button-inline-size-is-content-width
, which adjusts the button’s width to match its content, as opposed to using the default width based on its container.
For components with interactive elements, such as buttons, links, and form controls, state-specific settings apply when the element is in a particular state. For example, the states for the Text link component’s text color are defined as:
States are defined using CSS pseudo-classes. Common states include:
Active (:active
) – Styles applied when the element is being activated, such as when a user clicks, taps, or presses a key that triggers the element.
Focus (:focus-visible
) – Styles applied when the element receives keyboard or programmatic focus.
Kinde uses :focus-visible
exclusively instead of :focus
to provide a better user experience.
ensures that focus indicators appear only when necessary—typically during keyboard or other non-mouse interactions. In contrast, :focus
applies whenever an element gains focus, including mouse clicks and taps, which can lead to visual confusion and make the UI harder to interpret.
Hover (:hover
) – Styles applied when the element is hovered by a mouse pointer.
Settings for defining the widget’s dark mode colors include the “dark” term appended to the end of the setting. For example, the Alert banner component’s dark mode settings are defined as:
Light and dark themes are managed in Kinde. See Design brand experience defaults for more details.
For theme styling to work in your repo, see HTML data attributes (Style hooks) > Apply theme styles.
Shared settings use a unique naming structure because they apply to broader styling aspects rather than specific components or elements. Unlike other settings, they do not follow the [Variant/Element] / Property / Modifier / State structure.
Instead, these settings are categorized by general UI styling aspects. Currently, the main categories are:
After the category, the remaining structure varies depending on the styling need. For example, state-based color settings follow this format:
– Sets the background color for disabled elements.--kinde-shared-color-disabled-text
– Sets the text color for disabled elements.--kinde-shared-color-invalid
– Sets the color of all parts of an element affected by an “invalid” state, such as background, border, or text.