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Secure your API using scopes

Kinde lets you add custom scopes to help manage others who access to your APIs. Scopes define token permissions used by your APIs, and provide a reliable way to control access to your API resources.

You need to have registered your APIs in Kinde to secure them using scopes.

Benefits of using scopes

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  • Granular control: Instead of broad permissions like read or write, you can create scopes tailored to different levels of access, such as read:userprofile or write:roles.
  • Security: You only need to grant the permissions necessary for each operation, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive data or actions within your system.
  • Flexibility: As your application grows and requirements change, you can easily add, remove, or modify scopes without affecting other parts of your system.
  • Better UX: They simplify the authorization process and improve overall user experience.
  • Compliance: They help you align with regulatory requirements or industry standards by ensuring that access to sensitive data is properly managed and audited.

Add scopes to an API

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  1. In Kinde, go to Settings > APIs.
  2. Select View details on the API you want to add scopes for.
  3. In the menu, select Scopes.
  4. Select Add scope.
  5. In the Add scope window, enter a name for the scope. This will be the name you use in your code to recognize the scope. We recommend following a consistent naming convention, such as read:user_status or write:mobilephone.
  6. Add a description that explains what the scope is for and what it does.
  7. Select Save.
  8. Repeat from step 4 for all the scopes you want to add for this API.
  9. Repeat from step 1 to add scopes for a different API.

Authorize and enable scopes for an application

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  1. Go to Settings > Applications and select View details on the relevant application.
  2. Select APIs in the side menu.
  3. If the application is not yet authorized, select the three dots menu next to the API you’re giving the app access to, and then select Authorize application.
  4. In the same three dots menu, select Manage scopes.
  5. In the window that opens, switch on or off the scopes allowed for the application.
  6. Select Save.

Edit and delete scopes

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  1. Go to Settings > APIs and select View details on the relevant API tile.
  2. Select Scopes in the menu.
  3. Find the scope you want to change.
  4. Select the dots menu (far right) and select:
    • Edit scope. You can only change the scope description. Select Save.
    • Delete scope. Confirm that you want to delete and select Delete scope.