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  • Connected apps

Discord connected app

Before you can add Discord as a connected app in Kinde, you need to set up a machine to machine application to connect to Kinde’s API.

This is Step 2 of the Kinde Connected apps setup topic. You first need to have added the connected app in Kinde.

The Provider to Kinde callback URL from the Kinde connected app.

Set up the Discord app

Link to this section
  1. Sign in to your Discord developer account.

  2. In the Applications section, select New application.

  3. Give your application a name and agree to Discord’s terms, then select Create.

  4. Copy the Client ID and Client secret. These correspond to the Client ID and Client secret in your Kinde M2M application.

    screen shot of discord add application screen

  5. In the menu, select OAuth2.

    screen shot of redirects field in discord app

  6. If the Redirect URI field is not blank, select Add Another.

  7. Paste the Provider to Kinde callback URL that you copied when you set up the connection in Kinde.

  8. Next: Finish setting up the connection in the Kinde application. See Configure the connected app in Kinde.