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Microsoft 365 connected app

You can now set up a connection between Kinde and Microsoft 365. You might do this, for example, to request Microsoft 365-related permissions from users during auth.

The procedure below covers the case for adding calendar permissions.

Before you begin

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You also need a Microsoft Azure account for creating MS Entra ID apps.

Register a Microsoft app

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This is Step 2 of Add a connected app to Kinde.

  1. Sign in to your Microsoft Azure account.
  2. Navigate to Entra ID. You can do this from links on the main screen or in the left side menu.
  3. Select Add+ > App registration or go to Manage > App registrations > New registration.
  4. Enter a name for the app.
  5. Select a Supported account types option. For testing purposes, we selected Accounts in any organizational directory and personal Microsoft accounts.
  6. In the Redirect URI (optional) section, select Web in the Select a platform dropdown.
  7. Enter the Provider to Kinde callback URL from the Kinde connected app. For example, https://app.<yourdomain>/connected_apps/callback.
  8. Select Register. Details of your new app appear.
  9. Copy the Application (client) ID and paste it in a text file or somewhere you can easily access it again. You’ll use this as the Client ID for the connected app in Kinde.

Add calendar scopes and generate a secret

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  1. Add scopes to the Microsoft app.
    1. Go to API permissions.

    2. Select + Add a permission.

    3. In the pop-out, select Microsoft Graph and then Application permissions.

    4. Search for ‘calendar’, then select only Calendars.Read and Calendars.ReadWrite.

      Entra app Permissions for calendar

    5. Select Add permissions. These permissions can now be selected as scopes in the Kinde connected app.

  2. Generate a secret.
    1. Select Certificates and secrets from the left menu, select + New client secret.

    2. Enter a name and give it an expiry date (or accept the default), then select Add. Details of the secret are generated.

    3. Copy the value in the Value column and paste it in a text file or somewhere you can easily access it again. Make sure you copy from the Value column, not the Secret ID column.

      Entra app secret value not secret ID

Finish configuring the connection in Kinde

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You’ll need the Application (Client) ID and Secret that you copied above. You’ll also need your Kinde app callback URL.

See Step 3: Configure the connected app in Kinde.