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Kinde and Shopify Multipass

Shopify Multipass lets you seamlessly log your users from your application to Shopify, passing over related metadata about your user via a token.

Configure Multipass in your project

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The following example uses Next.js, however this can also be configured in other languages and frameworks.

Add new environment variables

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Add Shopify and Multipass settings to your .env file.

SHOPIFY_MULTIPASS_SECRET = "[Your Mulitpass secret]";
SHOPIFY_STORE_URL = "[yourshopify]";

Set up API endpoint

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Create an endpoint file, e.g. /api/multipass that contains the following. Make sure to replace the generic information with your specific domain and secret information.

import {NextResponse} from "next/server";
import {jwtDecoder, type JWTDecoded} from "@kinde/jwt-decoder";
import {cookies} from "next/headers";
import {Multipass} from "multipass-js";
export async function GET() {
const decodedToken = jwtDecoder<JWTDecoded & {email: string}>(cookies().get("id_token")?.value);
if (decodedToken) {
const multipass = new Multipass(process.env.SHOPIFY_MULTIPASS_SECRET as string);
const customerData = {
// Required
email: decodedToken?.email,
created_at: decodedToken?.iat
// add additional fields here
const url = multipass
.withDomain(process.env.SHOPIFY_STORE_URL as string)
return NextResponse.redirect(url, 302);
} else {
const params = new URLSearchParams();
params.append("post_login_redirect_url", `${process.env.KINDE_SITE_URL}/api/multipass`);
return NextResponse.redirect(

Shopify Multipass is now configured with Kinde.

When you redirect the user to the endpoint /api/multipass, this will generate the Multipass token and redirect the user logged in to your Shopify site.