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  • Integrations
  • Webhooks

Add and manage webhooks

Webhooks are outbound calls that are sent from Kinde when a specified events occurs. Calls are sent using HTTPS REST calls to a verified external URL you specify.

Use Kinde’s webhooks to create triggers and push event data to your other systems and applications.

Webhook security

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Webhook request payloads are signed and sent as a JSON Web Token (JWT) from Kinde.

You’re probably using a library to validate your JWTs and they will require the url for your public JSON Web Key (also known as a jwks file).

The jwks file can be found at https://<your_subdomain>

  1. Go to Settings > Environment > Webhooks.
  2. Select Add webhook.
  3. Give the webhook a name and enter a description so it’s clear what it’s for.
  4. Enter the external URL.
  5. Select the event triggers. You can choose from a number of triggers and categories. See below for definitions.

Edit a webhook

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  1. Go to Settings > Environment > Webhooks.
  2. Select the webhook name to open the details window.
  3. Update events and triggers.
  4. Select Save.

Delete a webhook

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  1. Go to Settings > Environment > Webhooks.
  2. Select the three dots menu next to the webhook you want to delete.
  3. Select Delete webhook. A confirmation message appears.
  4. Confirm you want to delete the webhook.

Manage webhooks via the Kinde API

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Everything you can do in Kinde’s UI with webhooks, you can also do through the Kinde API using these endpoints.

  • POST api/v1/webhooks - create a webhook
  • PATCH api/v1/webhook/{webhook_id} - update a webhook
  • DELETE api/v1/webhook/{webhook_id} - delete a webhook
  • GET api/v1/webhooks - list of available webhooks

Events can also be retrieved using:

  • GET /api/v1/events/{event_id} - get an event by the event_id provided in a webhook
  • GET /api/v1/event_types - list the available event types

Webhook triggers

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Available triggers include:


Testing webhooks locally

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In order to use webhooks, you need a publicly available URL. To test locally you need to use a proxy to expose your local instance on the internet.

Here are a couple of free tools to help you to do this.

  • localtunnel - fast and easy, we recommend using the —subdomain attribute to fix the issued subdomain.
  • Ngrok - for intermediate users, requires some dev experience to get set up.

Each of these services expose a local port though a public URL that can be set as your web socket.