Select authentication options
Auth and access
You can add and manage a user’s identity in Kinde. This includes their Kinde profile, contact, and sign in identity information. Learn more about identities in Kinde.
This topic explains how to add profile identities manually in Kinde - you might do it this way as a one-off task.
You can also add identities via the Kinde Management API. You might do it this way for bulk processes.
Users with enterprise identities in Kinde can’t also have other identity types in Kinde. E.g. a user can have an email identity and a social identity. But if a user has an enterprise identity, they cannot have other identities.
Create a username, email or phone identity via API: POST /users/{user_id}/identities
You can’t edit an identity record as it can break authentication for a user. Instead, add a new identity before you delete the old one.
Delete a username, email or phone identity via API: DELETE /identities/{identity_id}
Primary contact information gets passed in the ID token for the user. You can change the primary identity.
Make an identity the primary one (is_primary
) via API: PATCH /identities/{identity_id}
You can’t directly edit identities in Kinde. You need to add a new identity and delete the old one to update identity records.
Kinde treats usernames as case-insensitive. In other words, we ignore case. We do this because it eliminates the possibility of auth issues and fraud when two usernames are identical in every aspect except the case of one of their letters.
We are happy to support users choosing an aesthetically pleasing username combination, like RosyRose
or BuilderBob
. We just don’t also support separate identities for rosYrosE
and BUilderbob
. Before adding users, we recommend checking that all usernames are unique in more than just case.