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Collect and manage subscriber contacts

In Kinde, you can build a list of subscribers so you can communicate to them about your business, products, and services. For example, you might use the subscriber form for:

  • lead generation
  • newsletters
  • campaigns
  • product or feature communication

Once a contact is in your subscriber list, they can be easily converted to users later.

This list is different to your Access request contacts, who’s details you collected when they registered interest in your product.

Set up a subscription form

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Kinde allows you to design the page where customers can go to subscribe to your newsletter or other product updates. See Set up a subscription form.

View subscriber details

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  1. In Kinde, go to Users > Subscribers. A list of contacts is shown.
  2. To see when a person subscribed, find them in the list, select the three dots menu and select View details. A panel slides out showing added information.

Add a subscriber

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  1. Go to Users > Subscribers and select Add subscriber.
  2. In the window that appears, enter their name and email address.
  3. Select Save.

Convert a subscriber to a user

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  1. Go to Users > Subscribers and find the contact you want to convert to a user.
  2. Select the three dots menu and select Convert to user. A window appears, prompting you to select the organization the user will belong to. You can only select one.
  3. Select Convert. The contact will now appear on the All users list, but will also remain a subscriber.

See Manage users across organizations if you want to assign the user to other organizations.

Delete a subscriber

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  1. Go to Users > Subscribers and find the contact you want to delete.
  2. Select the three dots menu and select Delete subscriber. A confirmation message appears.
  3. Confirm you want to delete the subscriber and select Delete subscriber. The person is permanently removed from the subscriber list.