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Pre-MFA workflow

Trigger: user:pre_mfa

This trigger is fired after the user has complete single factor authentication (e.g email + password or Google) and determined which organization (if any) they are trying to access.

Example use cases

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Determining if MFA is required based on data in an external service

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You may be using a service like Zanzibar or OpenFGA for fine-grained access control and wish to call out to it to determine if a user needs to complete MFA.

Making MFA required if a user has a certain permission

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You may wish to enforce MFA for users who have some sensitive permissions such as delete:project .

Skipping MFA for certain organizations

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You want to enforce MFA at an environment level for all organizations, but there are a few who do not want to adopt your policy.

When you only want to prompt MFA when a user has not been prompted for MFA over a certain time period.

The event object

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The main argument provided to your code is the Kinde workflow event object which has two keys request and context. This gives you access to the reason the workflow was triggered and additional relevant datapoints. Here’s an example:

"request": {
"context": {
"auth": {
"connectionId": "conn_01945d3ccf4926118bfdeb6e1158edb5" // connection ID the user auth'd with
"domains": {
"kindeDomain": ""
"mfa": {
"policy": "required", // required | optional | off
"context": "environment", // environment or organization
"enabledFactors": ["mfa:sms", "mfa:email", "mfa:authenticator_app"], // factors you have enabled for this context
"isUserRoleExempt": false, // advanced orgs can make specific roles exempt from MFA
"isUserConnectionExempt": false // advanced orgs can make enterprise connections exempt from MFA
"user": {
"id": "kp_77d28fc7b16240dd9ec12b08071fe46e" // the users ID
"workflow": {
"trigger": "user:pre_mfa"
"application": {
"clientId": "cee9743fc7ee4d2e84061fe1a662051d"
"organization": {
"code": "org_75ad9f26d2c"

Workflow settings

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export const workflowSettings = {
id: "preMFA",
name: "Pre-MFA",
failurePolicy: {
action: "stop",
trigger: "user:pre_mfa",
bindings: {
"kinde.mfa": {}, // required to change the MFA policy

The kinde.mfa binding is used to modify the MFA policy for the current auth flow.

// In the current flow the user will be asked to complete MFA
// In the current flow the user will be exempt from MFA

External system query example

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This example demonstrates using the environment variables feature to store a secret API_KEY to call a FGA system, to determine if a user needs to do MFA.

import {
} from "@kinde/infrastructure";
export const workflowSettings: WorkflowSettings = {
id: "preMFA",
name: "Pre MFA",
failurePolicy: {
action: "stop",
trigger: WorkflowTrigger.PreMFA,
bindings: {
"kinde.fetch": {}, // Required for external API calls
"kinde.env": {}, // required to access your environment variables
url: {}, // required for url params
export default async function handlePreMFA(event: onPreMFAEvent) {
const FGA_API_KEY = getEnvironmentVariable('MY_FGA_API_KEY')?.value
const {user, organization} = event.context;
const { data: fgaData } = await fetch(`${FGA_API_KEY}`, {
method: "POST",
responseFormat: 'json',
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: new URLSearchParams({
orgCode: organization.code
const isMfaRequired = fgaData.some(permission => permission === 'delete:sensitive');
const policy = isMfaRequired ? 'required' : 'skip';