About workflows
Trigger: user:pre_mfa
This trigger is fired after the user has complete single factor authentication (e.g email + password or Google) and determined which organization (if any) they are trying to access.
You may be using a service like Zanzibar or OpenFGA for fine-grained access control and wish to call out to it to determine if a user needs to complete MFA.
You may wish to enforce MFA for users who have some sensitive permissions such as delete:project
You want to enforce MFA at an environment level for all organizations, but there are a few who do not want to adopt your policy.
When you only want to prompt MFA when a user has not been prompted for MFA over a certain time period.
The main argument provided to your code is the Kinde workflow event
object which has two keys request
and context
. This gives you access to the reason the workflow was triggered and additional relevant datapoints. Here’s an example:
{ "request": { }, "context": { "auth": { "connectionId": "conn_01945d3ccf4926118bfdeb6e1158edb5" // connection ID the user auth'd with }, "domains": { "kindeDomain": "https://example.kinde.com" }, "mfa": { "policy": "required", // required | optional | off "context": "environment", // environment or organization "enabledFactors": ["mfa:sms", "mfa:email", "mfa:authenticator_app"], // factors you have enabled for this context "isUserRoleExempt": false, // advanced orgs can make specific roles exempt from MFA "isUserConnectionExempt": false // advanced orgs can make enterprise connections exempt from MFA } "user": { "id": "kp_77d28fc7b16240dd9ec12b08071fe46e" // the users ID }, "workflow": { "trigger": "user:pre_mfa" }, "application": { "clientId": "cee9743fc7ee4d2e84061fe1a662051d" }, "organization": { "code": "org_75ad9f26d2c" } }}
export const workflowSettings = { id: "preMFA", name: "Pre-MFA", failurePolicy: { action: "stop", }, trigger: "user:pre_mfa", bindings: { "kinde.mfa": {}, // required to change the MFA policy },};
The kinde.mfa
binding is used to modify the MFA policy for the current auth flow.
// In the current flow the user will be asked to complete MFAkinde.mfa.setEnforcementPolicy("required");
// In the current flow the user will be exempt from MFAkinde.mfa.setEnforcementPolicy("skip");
This example demonstrates using the environment variables feature to store a secret API_KEY to call a FGA system, to determine if a user needs to do MFA.
import { onPreMFAEvent, getKindeAccessTokenHandle, WorkflowSettings, WorkflowTrigger, createKindeAPI} from "@kinde/infrastructure";
export const workflowSettings: WorkflowSettings = { id: "preMFA", name: "Pre MFA", failurePolicy: { action: "stop", }, trigger: WorkflowTrigger.PreMFA, bindings: { "kinde.fetch": {}, // Required for external API calls "kinde.env": {}, // required to access your environment variables url: {}, // required for url params },};
export default async function handlePreMFA(event: onPreMFAEvent) {
const FGA_API_KEY = getEnvironmentVariable('MY_FGA_API_KEY')?.value const {user, organization} = event.context; const { data: fgaData } = await fetch(`https://someFGAsystem.io/?api_key=${FGA_API_KEY}`, { method: "POST", responseFormat: 'json', headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: new URLSearchParams({ userId: user.id, orgCode: organization.code }) });
const isMfaRequired = fgaData.some(permission => permission === 'delete:sensitive'); const policy = isMfaRequired ? 'required' : 'skip'; kinde.mfa.setEnforcementPolicy(policy);