About workflows
Trigger: user:post_authentication
This trigger fires after the user has completed single factor authentication (e.g email + password or Google).
At this stage the user is not authorized - we have not checked organization access or carried out MFA.
Check previous logins by the user to see if they have carried out impossible travel or if their IP address looks suspicious.
Add additional properties to a user before tokens are generated.
If the user has been invited to join multiple organizations you can add them as this point, before going through the authorization flow.
Users can be created in multiple ways (imported / API / via the UI / self-registration). This could well be an existing user in your own database, so we tell you if this is a new user from a Kinde perspective. i.e we create a new record so you can act accordingly.
The main argument provided to your code is the Kinde workflow event
object which has two keys request
and context
. This gives you access to the reason the workflow was triggered and additional relevant datapoints. Here’s an example:
{ "request": { "ip": "***", "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:135.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/135.0", "authUrlParams": { "state": "b9ea1131f7796a10abe8eac1b48c715575a0ffd349fb9c602e13d824", "orgCode": "org_12345667", "clientId": "cad2d86b1ac645e1957889fcb1eff0f9", "redirectUri": "http://localhost:3000" } }, "context": { "auth": { "connectionId": "conn_0194ee03c226d48c6858d5a412359ed2", "isNewUserRecordCreated": true }, "user": { "id": "kp_6e54d9612e8748b39557c9975bdba033" }, "domains": { "kindeDomain": "https://newbus.localkinde.me" }, "workflow": { "trigger": "user:post_authentication" }, "application": { "clientId": "cad2d86b1ac645e1957889fcb1eff0f9" } }}
export const workflowSettings = { id: "postAuthentication", name: "Post-authentication", failurePolicy: { action: "stop", }, trigger: "user:post_authentication", bindings: {},};
Example determining if first time user:
import { onPostAuthenticationEvent, WorkflowSettings, WorkflowTrigger, } from "@kinde/infrastructure";
export const workflowSettings: WorkflowSettings = { id: "postAuthentication", name: "Post authentication", failurePolicy: { action: "stop", }, trigger: WorkflowTrigger.PostAuthentication, bindings: { "kinde.fetch": {}, // Required for external API calls "kinde.env": {}, // required to access your environment variables url: {}, // required for url params },};
export default async function handlePostAuth(event: onPostAuthenticationEvent) {
const isNewKindeUser = event.context.auth.isNewUserRecordCreated;
// The user has been added to the Kinde user pool for the first time if (isNewKindeUser) { // do something }