You can generate unique encryption keys to protect your workflows. Encryption keys protect sensitive data and should be updated regularly for continued protection.
When an API call is made when a workflow runs, the body is automatically encrypted with the active encryption key for the workflow. Use the same encryption key in your own code to decrypt the payload on arrival. This ensures secure transfer of the data.
- Go to Workflows and select a workflow.
- Select Encryption keys in the menu.
- Select Add encryption key. A dialog appears, enabling you to copy the key. You need to copy it immediately, as it cannot be viewed again.
- After you copy the key, select Close. If this is the fist key you have added, it will automatically be made active.
- Add the key to your code, to decrypt data sent from Kinde.
- Go to Workflows and select a workflow.
- Select Encryption keys in the menu.
- Select Add encryption key. A dialog opens with information about adding the key.
- Select Add. A dialog appears showing the key value.
- Copy the key value and store it somewhere you can access again.
- Select Close.
- When you are ready to update the key in your code, select the three dots menu on the new key, then select Activate. A dialog opens, confirming the action.
- Select Activate encryption key. This makes the new key active and deactivates the previously active key.
- Add the new key value to your code, to continue decrypting data sent from Kinde.
You can change the active status of any key. Remember to update your code to use the active key.
- Go to Workflows and select a workflow.
- Select Encryption keys in the menu.
- To deactivate an active key:
- Select the three dots menu on the active key.
- Select Deactivate. A confirmation window opens.
- Follow the prompts and select Deactivate encryption key.
- To activate a deactivated key:
- Select the three dots menu on the inactive key. An inactive key shows no status.
- Select Activate. A confirmation window opens.
- Follow the prompts and select Activate encryption key. This makes the new key active and deactivates any previously active key.
Deleting used keys is good security hygeiene. But deleting an active key can also break your code. Only delete inactive keys.
- Go to Workflows and select a workflow.
- Select Encryption keys in the menu.
- Next to an inactive key, select the three dots menu.
- Select Delete key. A confirmation window opens.
- Follow the prompts and select Delete encryption key.