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  • Build on Kinde
  • Organizations

Manage user sign up to organizations

Kinde lets you easily manage which organizations users can sign up to.

For example, you can:

  • allow or disable users from signing up to specific organizations (if you manage multiple organizations)
  • allow or disable automatic sign up to the default organization (all Kinde businesses have a default)
  • disable signups completely, and add users manually, via API, or by import.
  • disable organizations from being created when a user signs up - this is usually only needed by businesses who’s customers are also businesses (B2B).

Follow the relevant procedure below to set up your preferences.

Allow users to register to a specific organization

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Each organization you set up in Kinde will have a unique org_code.

If you want users to sign up to a specific organization, the org_code must be passed with their registration request. You need to switch this functionality on per organization.

  1. Go to Organizations and select the organization.
  2. On the Policies page, switch on the option to Allow registrations.
  3. Select Save. Anyone can now register onto this organization if the org_code is passed with the registration request.

Sign users up to the default organization

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If the organization being signed up to is not known when a user signs up, the default organization is used. This applies to users created via API and by import as well.

If you want, you can switch this off to prevent sign-ups to the default org.

  1. Go to Organizations and open the default organization.
  2. Go to Policies, then switch off the Sign users up to the default organization if one can’t be detected option.
  3. Select Save.

Disable user self-sign up

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You can disable user self-sign up altogether. You might do this if you want to add and manage users manually, by API, or by import only.

  1. Go to Settings > Environment > Policies.
  2. Switch off the Allow users to sign up option.
  3. Select Save. This setting applies to all apps in your business.

Sign in experience for users in multiple organizations

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If a user belongs to multiple organizations, they will be prompted to select an organization when they sign in unless they pass a specific org_code.

If you use enterprise authentication, users will be recognized by their email domain and will be forwarded to the correct identity provider.